Met een beetje pijn in ons hart moesten wij twee weken geleden onze langverwachte workshop op zaterdag 17 oktober cancellen. Wat had ik graag gedeeld over de genezende kracht van planten, tussen het geknor van de varkens en het vallen van de bladeren op landgoed De Peerdegaerdt.
With a bit of pain in our hearts, we had to cancel our long-awaited workshop on Saturday, October 17th two weeks ago. I was looking forward to sharing about the healing power of plants, between the oinking of pigs and the falling of leaves on the De Peerdegaerdt estate.
But as always everything changes, this too was part of the reality that we embraced while looking ahead with hope. 2021. We grabbed our schedules, shared wild idea’s and planned two new herbal medicine workshops; on Saturday, May 8th and Saturday, June 5th.
Perhaps without apples on the trees, but between sparkling blossoms. Perhaps without focussing on the withdraw of nature, but with a focus on the constructive power of spring. And of course, very positively, at a time when those beautiful healing green friends are visible again. When we can smell, see and taste them.
So if you would have liked to attend the workshop on October 17th, here is another chance. This time with warmer weather and more green surrounding us, I’ll share about the healing powers of plants and how to put together your own herbal pharmacy, and you will learn how to make your own tincture. Together we will also enjoy a plant-based lunch, make our own apple cider vinegar and close the circle around the campfire. Not under the starry sky, but between the humming and buzzing of all the animals that are coming back to life.
To life!