Los van alle complexe materie blijft er voor mij 1 ding glashelder en klinkklaar. De weg is naar binnen. En wanneer we bij de kern komen en ons hart openen voor al het leven op deze aarde, en wezens die aanvankelijk als voedsel werden gezien veranderen in levende, liefhebbende entiteiten, verandert alles. Ons hart wordt geopend, de blinddoek verwijderd en zodoende, met de dieren aan onze zijde en planten op ons bord, zijn we in staat om antwoorden te vinden op de grote, prangende wereldse vraagstukken die nu op ons bordje liggen.

We are living in challenging times. Times of change and new realities. This requires a high degree of adaptation from ourselves on a personal level as well as from mankind on a collective level. Faster than ever, news alternates, opinions are expressed and reports are published. Information about horrible situations that for years were only visible in the dark caves of society are revealed. Claiming the truth is no longer only reserved for believers, gurus or scientists, but everyone can have their 15 minutes of fame. And since legality is still not morality, the boundaries of the law are sought and exceeded to accelerate the necessary change that the earth, animals and humanity are crying out for.
I personally notice that I am put to the test almost every day. My heart and head are flying from one side to the other and my desire to contribute to supporting Mother Earth is beating louder than ever before in every cell of my body. At the same time something else is lingering. A still but profound knowing. Something that is not always completely clear to me, but still manages to navigate and fuel me.
Yesterday I attended the annual event of the wonderful Mr Maarten Zweers, themed ‘The Myth of Humanity in conjunction with that of Mother Earth’. Hungry for new insights, I went to this event on Sunday morning, knowing from experience through previous events that Maarten would be able to offer a clear view on the state of humanity in relation to nature in the current spirit of the times.
And as expected, Maarten was able to state in formulas and clear reasoning that what I was feeling so deeply, but for which I could not yet find words. It is impossible for me to share with you at the moment what that is exactly. For that I need time and it will mainly be reflected in the work that I already do, such as the herbal workshops and The Day of Compassion. I would especially recommend that you keep an eye out for the work of Maarten Zweers. A 7-part series has also been published on YouTube, which he completed for TU Delft, called ‘The New World‘. In Dutch unfortunately. But I know Maarten is working on the translation of his whole oeuvre.
The moment I was really touched was the moment that Maarten mentioned that it is a certainty that in decades from now we will look back to this period and what we do to the animals and we as a species will feel deeply ashamed.
Apart from all the complex material, one thing remains crystal clear for me. The true path is to the heart. And when we get to the core and open our hearts to all life on this earth, and beings who were initially seen as food change into living, loving entities, everything changes. Our hearts are opened, blindfolds removed and thus, with the animals on our side and plants on our plate, we are able to find answers to the big, pressing worldly issues that are now on our plate.